Monday, October 10, 2011

Feel the Earth.

I posted this as a tweet on Twitter tonight, & thought I'd elaborate on it here 2 further explain it.

Thought 4 the evening: look at the stars. Realize that u are not really looking "up", but out: u are actually on the side of this huge beautiful planet looking out with the entire universe directly in front of u. & it goes on & on & on... eternally.

& consider this: as u realize the above, realize that this wonderful Earth u are standing on the side of at this very moment is turning under your feet as it glides majestically on its orbit around the sun. U are being held on only by the wonder of gravity. The hills, cities, mountains, beaches, buildings around u are scraping the sky, the cosmos, as the Earth turns on its magnificent journey through space.

Isn't that amazing? Seriously, isn't that something just so beautiful & miraculous that it's wonderful just 2 think about it?

& all of this is right here all around u just 4 u 2 enjoy. ;)

Think about it.

Appreciate it.

Share it with someone u love.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"That & the whole KeBANG!"

I made that expression up myself.

It came into my head one night after I was watching Dead Leaves for the very first time, I'm not sure how I created it but it basically refers to the enthusiastic notion of "everything cool plus all the ultracool stuff to make it even cooler!", i.e. "We're doing Disneyland at Christmastime, that & the whole KeBANG!"

Hence its use for my new webpage which features anything and everything cool and positive I discover and can recommend in life. Whether it's movies, books, games, music, places to go, or what have you -- maybe it's something I thoroughly enjoyed, other times it might be simply something that I didn't care for much personally but still thought it worth a recommendation to those who might -- I'll be reviewing and listing them all here. That & the whole KeBANG. ;D